Make A Different Mart


Caring Sharing Growing


Release Date:06/01/2020 Label:Storage shelves

At present, more and more capital is invested in the supermarket retail industry, and how to properly use the funds has become the focus of investors' attention. The biggest investment in supermarket stores is the investment in hardware equipment. Of the hardware investment in opening a store, the amount of shelves often accounts for more than 50%. Others are cold and hot cabinets, lights, trolleys, cashiers and other supermarket supporting equipment.

Supermarket stores are a low-margin industry with an average profit of 8-20%, so save hardware investment and develop more store stores. The above-scale stores' rapid expansion of negative liquidity to increase the total profit is the ultimate goal of supermarket profits. And direction.

At present, domestic retail formats can be roughly divided into hypermarkets, supermarkets, and convenience stores. The area of convenience stores is generally below 500 square meters; the area of community stores is below 3,000 square meters; the area of general supermarkets is below 8,000 square meters, and the area of hypermarkets is generally above 8,000 square meters. Therefore, different formats need to use different styles and prices of shelves to display goods, so the choice of supermarket shelves is very important.

The following is a brief introduction:

Convenience stores do not have a large amount of inventory, but only require multiple products to be displayed on one row. Therefore, as long as the shelves are placed in a step-like shape, they gradually decline. The shelves require a simple structure, convenient assembly, and space saving. Generally use square tube or extruded profile backboard shelves, the specifications of the shelf placed in the middle is 900 * 350 * 1350, the shelf against the wall is 900 * 350 * 2000, the thickness of the column is 1.5mm, the thickness of the laminate is 0.5-0.6mm. Sheet steel wire 3mm. These specifications are probably sufficient. The cost of such shelves is relatively low, but in general, convenience stores are usually arranged by the headquarters, so investors are more at ease.

The community supermarket is a small comprehensive supermarket that requires high circulation of goods and freshness. Shelf selection requires exquisite and simple, general load-bearing can be required, the middle shelf is 900 to 1200 * 450 * 1500-1800mm, the wall shelf specifications are 900 to 1200 * 450 * 2000 to 2200, generally 30 * 50mm columns, single The back panel or back panel with double holes is detachable for easy adjustment. The thickness of the pillar is 1.8-2mm, and the steel of the laminate and backplane is 0.7mm.

Comprehensive supermarkets and hypermarkets are basically the same, the middle shelf is 1200-1330 * 550 * 1400-2400mm, the wall shelf is 1200-1330 * 550 * 2400-3000mm, the pillar is 30-50 * 80-90 * 2.5-3mm, and the shelf back panel The thickness is 0.8mm, the shelf is a double back board, and the accessories are also more available. The standard specifications are 1200, 1250, 1350, and so on.